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‘Understanding undivided Punjab vital for comprehending India, Pakistan’

The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted the launching ceremony of the book Punjab: a History from Aurangzeb to Mountbatten, authored by Rajmohan Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. The session included a public talk centred around understanding modern Pakistan and India through the prism of undivided Punjab.

Further events in Lahore

As part of his visit to Lahore, Prof Gandhi took part in an all-day interaction at Lahore University of Management Sciences’ humanities and social sciences department, and an international conference organised by the Trust for History, Art and Architecture of Pakistan.……

Non-violence: Rajmohan Gandhi pays tribute to Bacha Khan

As many as 1,000 students from the Lahore College of Women University, the Government College University, Kinnaird College and the University of Engineering and Technology welcomed Dr Gandhi as he walked up to the podium to deliver a lecture on the life of Bacha Khan at Sinclair Hall at the Forman Christian College.

Patil launches Rajmohan Gandhi’s book on history of Punjab

He said that in the history of every nation, two forces remained at work — the unifying and the divisive. "The divisive forces destroy and the unifying forces lead to progress. We need to focus on the unifying forces," he said.

Lincoln and Gandhi

In this video Professor Andrew MacIntyre, Dean of the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, talks to Professor Rajmohan Gandhi about his grandfather Mahatma Gandhi and what he shares in common with Abraham Lincoln.

Rajmohan Gandhi delivers 14th Borker Memorial Lecture, on "India 2047"

'We need politicians and bureaucrats who are not made immensely richer by a few years of service', says Rajmohan Gandhi.

'Embrace Mandela as our own'

On the occasion of anti-apartheid crusader Nelson Mandela’s 94 birthday on Wednesday, noted academician and humanitarian Rajmohan Gandhi called upon Indians to embrace the South African leader and consider him as their own.

Monroe Students Interview Gandhi's Grandson

After spending a month engaged in looking for a solution to a longstanding dispute between Pakistan and India, 81 fourth-grade students, their teachers, and two parent volunteers shared their ideas with Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson, Rajmohan Gandhi. The 35-minute phone call gave the students insight into the issues they had researched.

Rajmohan and Usha Gandhi join Day of Prayer for Peace in Assissi

Rajmohan and Usha joined representatives of different religious traditions invited by Pope Benedict XVI to Assissi.