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Rajmohan Gandhi speaks at Swiss Foreign Affairs conference

Rajmohan Gandhi, the President of Initiatives of Change International was one of the guest speakers on this year’s theme: ‘When religions and worldviews meet’.

'Why Partition Occurred: An Understanding'

Full text of the Sarat Bose Memorial Lecture by Rajmohan Gandhi Netaji Bhawan, Kolkata, 6.30 pm, Saturday 6 March 2010

The brighter side of midnight

The Times of India writes about a recent Ford Foundation project by Nandy and Rajmohan Gandhi which "stands out as something that specifically deals with the humane side of Partition and is helping the process of reconciliation begin".

Visit to Brazil

On the 23rd of June the Gandhi Voyage travelling group reached Brazil, a country known for its energizing samba, colorful carnival and fantastic football.

Visit to Mexico

The Latin American leg of the ‘Voyage of Dialogue and Discovery’ began last week in Mexico City, one of the world’s most populated cities. Mexico is winning on the football field, and the surge of nationalism and pride accompanying their team’s success is palpable. But beyond the flag flying and painted faces of green, white and red, are Mexicans ready to take the next steps as a people, ‘from patriotism to citizenship’ to claim their history, take responsibility for their challenges and become the leaders in world they should be?

Visit to Japan

When Rajmohan Gandhi, President of Initiatives of Change International, gave a public lecture in Tokyo last week on Japan’s role in the world, the choice of venue – the Ozaki Yukio Memorial Foundation – was highly symbolic.

Gandhi Voyage supports a grassroots movement building trust in Ukraine

‘Trust may not succeed in one week, one month or maybe even 10 years, but I think the world should know that there is a grassroots movement for trust in Ukraine.’

Rajmohan Gandhi’s final thoughts for Ukraine were a fitting conclusion for the first ‘Week of Trust’ that was celebrated from Kiev to Crimea on April 19-26. Gandhi and the Voyage of Dialogue and Discovery were special guests in support of the people’s movement led by Foundations for Freedom, the local Initiatives of Change team in Ukraine.

Visit to Romania

For a country that has experienced years of oppression, like Romania, freedom is not taken for granted.

‘What is freedom?’ probed one student after Rajmohan Gandhi’s address at a university in Baia Mare, a northern Romanian city of 130,000 that was once a major mining centre. Prof Gandhi replied that ‘if the state tells me what to do, I say I will resist. But if my conscience asks me not to do something, I want to obey it. Then I find I have inner freedom.’

Gandhi Voyage reaches Norway

The realities of Norway contrast in many ways with the situations in Egypt, Palestine and Israel, which the Gandhi Voyage visited before arriving in Oslo.

Gandhi visits Palestine and Israel

As part of their journey to several countries, Prof Rajmohan Gandhi and his wife Usha visited the West Bank and Israel at the beginning of April. Along with Edward Peters they were guests of Dr Mustafa Barghouthi and the Palestinian National Initiative in the West Bank before continuing to Jerusalem for 24 hours.