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A "Yes Or No" Question For Modi On Partition

"My question is, are displaced or killed Muslims included in our sisters and brothers?" writes Rajmohan Gandhi on NDTV.

Don’t tamper with hallowed history

No government of any party should ‘shape’ Sabarmati Ashram, least of all one opposed to Gandhi’s core goals, writes Rajmohan Gandhi in India Today.

Amid threats to citizens’ rights are the stories of courage that sustain us

"As we approach another Independence Day, here’s a reflection," writes Rajmohan Gandhi in The Indian Express. "When the powerful bully the vulnerable, we’re revolted, not impressed. When the weak stand up to the mighty, we’re stirred."

Xi Jinping's Bullet Train Ride At India Border And Our China Policy

India has some advantages which we would lose at our peril, writes Rajmohan Gandhi.

The Obvious Intent Of The Two-Child Policy

If a tide must run its course, let it at least hear some rationality and some outrage.

India Must Be Aware Of A New Pak Reality - And Its Impact

The worry in some Indian circles that America's exit from Afghanistan might benefit Pakistan vis-à-vis India is yielding place to a calmer realization that actually the country most disadvantaged by the exit is Pakistan.

Live with Dr. Rajmohan Gandhi - Punjab: A history from Aurungzeb to Mountbatten

Professor Rajmohan Gandhi, in a live discussion with musician Sonam Kalra.

The Defeat Of PM Modi’s Cult Of Personality

"Covid's horror cannot suppress the fact that the Indian voter has breathed hope back into our democracy," writes Rajmohan Gandhi.

A Disease like COVID

PM Modi must in clear language tell the Indian people and the world that his government will protect tolerance, decency and equal human rights.

What To Make Of Amit Shah's Warning After Nuns' Harassment

The ABVP young men who alerted the railway police about the "crime" they were witnessing as their train, the Utkal Express, was speeding along clearly thought they were doing a patriotic duty.