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Mahatma Gandhi's Grandson Meets US Policymakers

Rajmohan and Usha Gandhi visited Washington DC for private meetings with senior Administration officials and Members of Congress, and public engagements at the World Bank, the Library of Congress and George Washington University. In these meetings Rajmohan suggested that much could be learned from the Mahatma’s attitudes to violence and non-violence, his profound respect for all individuals and faiths, his commitment to empower the marginalized and his determination to bridge the Hindu-Muslim divide.

Visit to Britain

When Initiatives of Change invited the Gandhis to Britain, the London bombings of July 2005 had not yet taken place. The visit was all the more relevant in the light of the fractures in British society which these events brought into sharper focus. A report is available via the link below.

Honouring Martin Luther King's spiritual debt to Gandhi

Rajmohan Gandhi joined 16 black Americans and nearly 100 other travellers on a 'yatra' through Gujarat, land of Mahatma Gandhi's birth. They came to honour Martin Luther King's spiritual debt to Gandhi.

'Celebration of Hope' in Richmond

Rajmohan Gandhi spoke to hundreds at a 'celebration of hope' at the site of a former Civil War gun foundry in Richmond. He joined descendants of slaves and of slave owners to affirm a powerful movement for healing and reconciliation that began at a conference in 1993.