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NDTV discussion on new book

The NDTV programme 'The Buck Stops Here' held a discussion on Rajmohan Gandhi's new book, in which Rajmohan himself participated.

New book: 'Why Gandhi Still Matters'

In this new book 'Why Gandhi Still Matters: An Appraisal of the Mahatma’s Legacy', published today, Rajmohan Gandhi appraises Gandhi and his legacy by examining some of his most famous (and often most controversial) ideas, beliefs, actions, successes and failures.

Visit to London

Rajmohan Gandhi and his wife Usha visited London in April 2017 for a series of public and private events.

Turn searchlight inward, says Rajmohan Gandhi

Those who want India to stay pluralist, must conserve strength, correct mistakes, construct networks, writes Rajmohan Gandhi in the Indian Express.

Leaders too must be spoken to

Democracy demands that a leader listens, learns, takes questions, and answers them. When the people are polarised, they too must take to listening to one another, to members of another community or another persuasion, so that knowledge is gained and opinion is corrected.

"Nehru for our time"

"India needs to recall its first prime minister for his love and passion for personal liberty," says Rajmohan Gandhi in the Indian Express.

"Calm down," writes Rajmohan Gandhi in The Indian Express.

"This is a time of surgical strikes, hysteria, hostility to dissent. Why frankness, debate, questioning must follow."

Concerned Indians should reach out to Kashmiris

Provided it remains honest and mutually respectful, interaction between common people across the divide can only help, writes Rajmohan Gandhi in The Economic Times.

No one to confront non-state coercion

The impression that persons in authority in India regard Muslims as less than equal, and not entitled to personal liberty, is now a major obstacle on the country’s path to global influence, writes Rajmohan Gandhi in The Tribune.

Rajmohan Gandhi writes about Kashmir in the Indian Express

"Drop the stone…," writes Rajmohan Gandhi in The Indian Express, "because, to embarrass the rest of us into caring, Kashmiris must use fresh methods, free of radical Islam, free of violence."