"The India of his boyhood dream is under fearsome assault, but Rajmohan Gandhi isn’t giving up hope." Manu S. Pillai interviews Rajmohan Gandhi in Frontline.
Quest for fraternity
Uma Mahadevan-Dasgupta reviews Rajmohan Gandhi's new book "India After 1947: Reflections & Recollections" in The Hindu
A gentle nudge at the soul of India
Avijit Pathak review's Rajmohan Gandhi's new book "India After 1947: Reflections & Recollections" in The Tribune of India
India@75: A timely study of the state of the nation
"Rajmohan Gandhi’s ‘India after 1947’ can be read in one sitting – and needs to be reread several times these days", writes Governance Now.
When the Mahatma returned home
Hindustan Times podcast: 1947: Road to Indian Independence. Prashant Jha with Rajmohan Gandhi.
The Menacing Lions Don't Do India Proud
What is at stake are the bonds that keep India and the Indian people united. And the nation's moral and educational tone is involved. Are we to go forward in trust and friendship - or will we frighten one another into cooperation?
The Growing Concern Over Action Against Dissenters In India
It may prove foolish to think that the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, or the rising inflation that currently troubles almost every nation, will be so preoccupying that the world will ignore the persecution of the government's critics, or silently watch the emergence in India of a state that suppresses minorities and dissenters.
After Gulf Anger, BJP's New-Found Clarity
But leaders in government can also choose to offer their cooperation and their trust to the Indian people, including to people who do not belong to the majority community. Trust cannot flow only in one direction.
India Should Be Wary Of Hindu Supremacy
Human beings, however, have long agreed that exacting revenge on those whom you somehow connect to an earlier wrong done to you is unjustified and unlawful.
India Has Clout With Both Russia And Ukraine
Surely it is now time for influential countries like India, Turkey, South Africa, and Brazil (all of them neutral thus far in this horrific conflict) to work actively, and if possible unitedly, for a cease-fire, to be followed by serious peace talks.