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What To Make Of Amit Shah's Warning After Nuns' Harassment

The ABVP young men who alerted the railway police about the "crime" they were witnessing as their train, the Utkal Express, was speeding along clearly thought they were doing a patriotic duty.

Lessons from the Republican Cult of Trump

Rajmohan Gandhi writes: PM Modi has a lot in common with the former US president and the Republican Party’s submission to Trump is bound to invite questions about the BJP.

Just Who Is Spoiling India's Image? A View From The US

This has not been the best season for New Delhi's "chhavi" managers.

Hindutva's Conscience-keepers

Like Republicans against Trumpism, dissenters within BJP must speak up, writes Rajmohan Gandhi

Trump's last days in power

Dispersed across their vast land, individual Americans keep their country going and their leaders within bounds.

The Capitol Lesson

India’s victory against divisive politics will come when everyday Hindus say enough

India divided: An imperialist spirit within a nation state

Because of the size and skills of its domestic population India is a global force. Inevitably, trends inside India will affect the world. In its turn, the world influences India.

Trump's errors have raised questions about Republicans' future

The coming hours and days will reveal how America responds to the Trump-incited bid by armed civilians to take over the US Capitol in Washington DC and corresponding buildings in several states. But two other events, also significant for American politics, should be noted.

Kamala Harris and India's laws against "love jihad"

The unpredictable impact of Trump's post-defeat temper on Georgia's January 6 Senate runoffs intrigues me as I wait and watch in Illinois.

Citizen American

As a hard year closes out in the US, and the electoral college voting seals Joe Biden’s win, the oft-ignored power that individuals possess in a democracy has once more been highlighted.